Optimizer - It ensures your phone is operating in top form, at all times. It does so by automatically scanning and optimizing data usage to preserve battery levels, manage storage and RAM, and protect from security threats
Here,I have created an UI for "Optimization".
Whenever the user press the optimize button,the unwanted memory stored in ram and rom will be cleared,this give the smoothest experience for mobile to the user.
This represents after clicking the optimize button the ram and rom gets cleared.
These are the complete report of your device's battery, ram, rom and protection of your device against threats and once you click "Optimize now",It returns back your device to perfect stage
After Clicking the "Optimize now" button the checking process starts if any problem arises it will be resolved to the normal stage.
The completed process of Optimization after checking.Once you click "Done",it will redirected to result page.
After Completing the optimization the result page is displayed
The video format of my project
Prototype of my project

